Wednesday, May 23, 2007

When Streetheart happens to good calm people

This blog was written April 10 2007

After 5 days of pure hell, I have decided that I am never drinking again, exercising again,... or heck, even...leaving my house again, because THIS happens:

Thank god for my wonderful man-mate who has taken great care of me amidst the worst pain ever. He even took the legs off the old couch so I could be propped up in front of the TV. And thank god for the doctor who prescribed 4 different types of super powerful drugs and a cuddly neck support for me today. I can now see a blurry light at the end of this tunnel. (drugs are gooooood)
I think I might attempt a shower tonight. Skin's itchy and that can only mean one thing...GOOD OLE BED SORES!!

Streetheart was oh so good though.

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