Dear Kindergarten teacher,
In 2 short weeks, I will hand my precious baby son over to you for 2-3 days per week.
Now, granted, I'm not comfortable at all with this, I realize that it is the law that my 5 year old superhero, attend school.
I thought you should know a few tidbits about my sweet little Oscar before you mold his mind for the future. First of all, it's no secret that Oscar will not be winning any Pulitzer Prizes for his intelligence level. He knows that sharks only eat every 2 months, but he misses 7 when he counts to 10.
He may come across as shy and sensitive when you try to talk to him, but he's a bit of a player and tends to act the mysterious, silent type among females. (Plus the fact that he can't pronounce his F's and S's tends to frustrate and embarrass him, so please be sensitive to that.)
He hasn't mastered shoe-tying, belt buckles, pudding lids or buttons, so discreetly give him a hand (to avoid embarrassment) and make sure he has his sandals on the right feet!
Oscar has never experienced bullying (other than his big sister who he can put up a pretty good fight with), bad words, or been around highly misbehaved children. Please shelter him from the boys who talk about farting, push each other in lines or dare each other to eat worms.
And finally, Oscar still loves kisses and cuddles and calls his Mommy a beautiful princess every night when I tuck him in. I know this won't last forever, so please excuse the overbearing, overprotective, psycho Mommy who walks her baby into the school every morning, and have plenty of tissue, and kind pats of reassurance on the first and perhaps second days of school.
Good luck and take excellent care of my little prince charming,
Heather Graham
P.S. Feel free to program my home number, cell number and all relative's, friend's numbers (in case Oscar needs a kiss or hug), on the school phone speed dial.
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