Sunday, August 31, 2008


Something very exciting happened on Friday.

Most of you probably think that me and my friends are boring and non-exciting parents who don’t let their children drink pop after 4 p.m. (oh wait, that’s just me)

But on Friday, with stone-cold, blind, excitement and a whole 24 hours of planning….2 of our communal children (we share them all when we’re together)…


Albeit a fake wedding, however, the most beautiful wedding I’ve ever been to.

We had a very small guest list, a pizza and trifle supper, and the most fun EVER!! I just know all y’all are gonna want in on OUR playdates from now on…let me tell you…it’s always like this with us!

And note, clearly I have missed my calling as an ordained justice of the peace. SKILLZ. I got me some.

Watch and enjoy!