Sunday, August 31, 2008


Something very exciting happened on Friday.

Most of you probably think that me and my friends are boring and non-exciting parents who don’t let their children drink pop after 4 p.m. (oh wait, that’s just me)

But on Friday, with stone-cold, blind, excitement and a whole 24 hours of planning….2 of our communal children (we share them all when we’re together)…


Albeit a fake wedding, however, the most beautiful wedding I’ve ever been to.

We had a very small guest list, a pizza and trifle supper, and the most fun EVER!! I just know all y’all are gonna want in on OUR playdates from now on…let me tell you…it’s always like this with us!

And note, clearly I have missed my calling as an ordained justice of the peace. SKILLZ. I got me some.

Watch and enjoy!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

All Foam, No Beer.

How to make the WORST salsa ever…

1. Pick 700 delicious roma tomatoes and spend 5 hours chopping them with a dull knife

2. Add all yer classic stuff like green peppers, onions, garlic, jalapenos, cayenne, sugar, salt, arsenic, blah, blah, blah….spend additional 5 hours chopping.

3. Boil and stir. Simmer and stir. FOREVER. (Or one hour.)

4. Get 5 canning jars ready with excitement and childish anticipation.

5. Dish out 1 and a half jars of salsa that ISN’T red and DOESN’T seal and cry over how little you got.

6. Don’t enjoy for spite.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Converting to Classy

I think it’s probably been well-established that I am no swanky-posh-elegant type of girl.

So when Barry and I went down to Minneapolis with friends this weekend, and stayed at the swankest hotel I’ve ever seen in my life…WELL.

I think I could change.

I can entirely get used to having to use a small ladder to climb upon a four poster bed with 500 pillows and fancy chocolates laid out for me each night upon my 50 pound robe.

I can also get used to laying in a granite tub that has a glass TV encased right in front of me. Hehe…and the blow dryer wasn’t even attached to the wall!

I fell in instant love with the top-hatted doorman who reminded me of Mr. Peanut. I especially liked putting my vehicle in valet parking. (Not a fan of tipping every time they open a door, say good morning, or freakin' cover your mouth if you sneeze…k. I kid. A little.)

Just so all y’all know…it was a crazy cheap deal on the room, but they get you with stuff like that NINE DOLLAR bottle of water that you’re so tempted to crack open in the room. And let me tell ya, I WAS tempted. I figgered it had to be laced with anti-wrinkle serum or some other magical youth concoctions, but don’t panic, internets…I let my good sense prevail. (And my hubby’s.)

Anyhoo. FABULOUS TRIP. FABULOUS COMPANY. FABULOUS SHOPPING. I’ll post photos of the UFC event we attended as soon as I can.