I wouldn't have the ability to stay warm in -35 degree rinks. I'd be a chicken and stay home.
I wouldn't be so feisty and fierce like a mamma grizzly bear. Oscar really didn't know that you can't throw your stick into the net to save a goal.
I would have a better singing voice as I would not lose it each weekend from my wild and crazy cheering.
I would not know the stats of every NHL team and be forced to sing OLE OLE OLE OLE...blah blah blah every time the Habs score a goal.
I would not have two mini nets set up in my living room as permanent fixtures and paint chips in the wall from ball hockey every night before bed.
My heart would not have dropped into my stomach when Shelby body checked that poor kid last weekend and got sent to the penalty box. I must come to terms with the fact that she is on her way to being the GOON of the team.
I would not know how to raise the puck, and YES, I really did just learn that the other day. Or drive a mini-van and strategically fit 5 hockey bags, sticks and extra kids into it.
I would not have nearly all the lines to Mighty Ducks 1, 2 and 3 memorized from watching it in the van on the way to all ends of the earth for our games.
I would have my weekends back. Chores might be done. Video games might be played. But even then, it would probably be NHL 2k10.
I wouldn't have already wrote about this here , here, and here.
I would not have witnessed the camaraderie and bond that occurs between team mates. How I LOVE to watch my kids go pat their goalie at the end of a game. Win or Lose.
I f I weren't a hockey mom, I would've missed out on one of the best eras of my life! I'm so proud of my kids and their teammates!