Some Things I Miss About My Babies being Babies
Watching them fall asleep during the middle of the night feedings. I remember I could stare at them sleeping for an hour and not want to put them back in their crib. Who needed sleep anyways? I’d have the whole rest of my life for that!
Changing diapers as they desperately try to escape giggling so hard they almost turn blue. (I don’t miss the poop.)
Getting lost in their BIG dreamy eyes whenever they see something new. The things we take for granted are so fascinating and beautiful to them. If only we could see more things through the eyes of our children.
Cuddly time after bath. They’re so fresh and soft in their little velour stripey sleepers. I used to give them a baby massage (NO, I don’t massage adults!!) right when they came out of the tub. It was the best bonding experience!
Potty time. Yes, even though my son was over 3, I DO miss it. This was always a good time to sing songs, learn nursery rhymes or have snacks. Now, they want privacy. THE NERVE!
The firsts…you know, first taste of ice cream, first bad word, first time they say “I love you”, and most of all…the first smile. I remember them as if they were yesterday.
The feeling that everything else in the world is insignificant and my BABY is the air I breathe….oh wait…that’s still there!
I sure love my kids. I wish they were still babies.