Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pool Party

This blog was written July 17, 2006

As most of you have probably figured out already, I rather enjoy summer. I spend my days lounging in the sun with family and friends drinking margaritas and/or beers. Yesterday was one of these days. Started off with a good time in our state of the art fancy pool.

Once we were dry and ready to start dinner, my horrid husband chucked Mary and I back in the pool, skirts and all. (this is really starting to happen WAY too often)

The girls walked back to Rehannon's place to rescue the lovely bird cooking in her oven. We brought it home to finish burning it on the BBQ. (Barry is not the best bbq'er. )

Rehannon is the supercook among us, but even she could not repair the poor burnt bird.

Although we had ordered a backup pizza, the chicken with the BBQ sauce from the gates of hell, was not totally bad.

In fact, the 2 meat lovers in the group, could not get enough of the saucy, scorched fowl.

The margaritas were too sugary, the chicken was TOO cajun, and the marshmallows were all stuck together, but I could certainly still say, it was a perfect day.

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