This blog was written April 18, 2007Well, my poor little nine year old daughter is officially in mourning.
Over the weeks, I've watched her love for American Idol contestant, Sanjaya Malakar, blossom into a crazy obsession, and tonight, his journey ended. And with Shelby's happiness.
When the announcement came, her face went into her hands, and her shoulders started shaking. Barry and I knew it was going to be bad, but we had no idea the horrible depression that would ensue.
She cried uncontrollably as she clutched her two stuffed dogs, San (short for Sanjaya) and Mally, (short for Malakar). She proclaimed that there was no way she could possibly go to school tomorrow as her "friends would be ALL talking about it constantly and like, totally asking her how she was."
I tried my best to comfort her (beneath my stifled giggles) and encouraged her that now she could pick another favorite contestant. To that, she viciously spat back " I am NEVER watching that stupid, (sob) dumb show again!"
It's as though she thinks it's my fault he's gone! Just because I wished for it SOOOO badly. I mean, really, he freaking sucked.
Anyways, my heart goes out to her. Thank you to my friends who called to see how she was. First loves are so....umm....CUTE?
Hopefully she'll feel better tomorrow because I am dragging her sorry little butt to school whether she's balling or not.